Incorrect Information on Trademe

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

The price is incorrect on trademe

In your App under listings click on the relevant listing

Go to sale details and click on it, then click edit. 

Edit the appraisal range, Listing price & recommended price. All those boxes should be filled in & match the range you want.

Trademe is showing the wrong copy or method of sale

This means that something is not pushing through from your app to the online websites. Start by making a small change to your copy writing, that will push a new update through to Trademe. If that doesn't work, something else might be wrong. 

Here's some things you can check. 

1. Under sale details, check the appraisal range, listing & asking price. ALL these fields will need to be filled in (they won't all display online, it depends on the method of sale)

2. Did you recently change the property type? I.e. from "House" to "Lifestyle Dwelling" if you did, trademe doesn't allow this after the home has been listed for more than 2 weeks. You'll need to change it back to what it was before and then push your update. If you need to change the property type, you'll need to reach out to trademe directly by emailing If they agree, let them change it, then change it again in the system. 

After correcting any problems, update your copywriting again to push a new update through to Trademe. 

keywords: wrong price, wrong info on trademe, wrong price on trademe

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