Changing the Suburb or Post Code

How to change the suburb, zip code or post code of a listing

Martin Towers

Last Update 8 months ago

****PLEASE NOTE**** you CANNOT change the suburb of a listing if it has been on trademe for more than 14 days. You will break the connection, if you REAALLY must change the suburb, the only thing we can do is withdraw the listing, THEN change the suburb, then publish it again. You will lose all your watchers and viewer count. There is no way around this, it is NOT possible. Please do not ask. It's best to make sure your suburb was right in the first place (sorry, but it is Trademe's rules, not ours). 

Our system has a list of Zip Codes and suburbs that match what Trademe has to offer. Whatever we have in the system is what Trademe has also, you cannot match a zip code to a suburb that is not already matched on Trademe's Database. 

Having said that, it is possible that trademe has recently added the suburb but it has not been added at our end (because no one told us), so if you search listings on trademe and you CAN find that suburb, but you can't find it at our end, then let us know and we can get it added. The above rule about changing suburbs after 14 days still applies. 

In order to change the area, suburb, zip code or post code of your listing follow these steps. 

1. Navigate to

2. In the search bar, type "Listing" followed by the address. 

3. Click on your listing when it appears.

4. Click on the three dots to the right of the address

5. The address fields will appear on the right, find the suburb & zip code you want here. 

NOTE: You can search by SUBURB here, as well as post code. 

 6. The map view below is not related and serves a different purpose, it shows the MAP of the area on the trademe listing, this also needs to be accurate, but doesn't affect the suburb in which it's listed.

If your address doesn't appear in this part, choose something close by 

If the suburb/zip combination doesn't appear here, it does not exist. 

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