Relisting An Old Listing

I am relisting an old listing, what do I do

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

Congratulations on bringing another listing back to market! This article will tell you everything you need to know about relisting an old listing. There are 2 ways to relist an old listing. Either by doing a completely new Lead, processing it as normal, or by reusing the old lead & listing. 

Below, I'm going to outlay both methods so you can see the pros and cons of each. 

Before we start, there are few things you need to be aware of, the first is you MUST do a new CMA/Appraisal for the vendor, and you must get a fresh agency agreement. Whether you do a new lead/listing or reuse the old one is irrelevant, this is compliance, it needs to be done regardless of which method you choose. We also will need to do AML again, however we can reuse the information we had last time. 

Method 1. 

New lead = new listing - if you enter a new lead into the system, the vendor can list online as they did last time. But now, in their dashboard, they'll have 2 listings with the same address. This article demonstrates what I mean. 

In order to get the old photos, our marketing team, will need to dig up the old files and upload these photos for you, and you will also need to request the copywriters to write the copy. Ask Andy also about this, submit a ticket above or engage our team in the live chat. 

Method 2. 

Reuse the old lead & listing - for this method, you'll need to do a new agency agreement and CMA manually, i.e. do your own CMA (with an appraisal range) on a PDF and send or present that to the vendor, then get a new agency agreement signed manually. A handwritten agreement. You can get a manual agreement from the training area,

When you're ready, navigate to the old lead, by searching the dashboard "lead 123 main street" in the search bar (replace 123 main street with the property address). Make sure you have the right lead, by scrolling down to the bottom of the page to where it says "related links" and there will be a listing button attached to it. Ensure this is the right listing you want. 

Then, still on the lead, scroll to documents, and here you can upload your new CMA and your new Agency Agreement. 

Once you've done this, email with a copy of the new agency agreement, and ask me to put the listing back into pre market for you. I will do this as long as you've done the new agency agreement & CMA. 

Any questions, please submit a ticket above or engage our support staff in the live chat

The old photos and open home visitor data will be there. 

Keywords: reuse an old listing, relist a property

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