Getting Deposit Instructions

Listing gone unconditional?

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

My listing has gone unconditional, the buyer needs deposit instructions

Your listing has gone unconditional, congratulations! Here's how the deposit works. 

We use the Real Estate Trust to hold deposit funds. This means, we have to follow their process and their rules. These rules are very specific and we CANNOT change them. 

1. Please email the purchasers solicitors confirmation that the deal is unconditional to The vendors solicitor's confirmation will NOT suffice, it must be from the purchasers solicitor. We also do NOT take instructions verbally. It has to be in writing. 

2. Within 24 hours, Shabnam will send the deposit instruction on to the purchaser, and the purchasers solicitor. Please be patient, if it hasn't been done within 24 hours, you may follow up and CC Martin. 

3. You will also receive a copy of these instructions, this is purely to let you know it has been done. You are NOT under any circumstances to forward these instructions, the purchaser has received them already. 

4. On these instructions, the purchaser has been instructed to provide us with a confirmation of payment, like a screenshot. We require this to provide to the Real Estate Trust. This is now a MANDATORY requirement from the Real Estate Trust. 

5. All receipts are sent to the person that has paid deposit. We cannot forward receipts to anyone else except the party that pays deposit. (We cannot send deposit instructions to multiple parties, only to the person who is paying deposit)

Any issues, please submit a ticket above, or engage our support staff in live chat. 

keywords: deposit, unconditional

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