Missing Estate Type

When sending an offer

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

The reason this happens is usually when you've done your own CMA on a listing. When completing your own CMAs, when you upload the CMA, the section called "property details" also needs to be completed. When our team complete your CMAs, they will complete this section for you. 

In order to fix this, you need to update the "property details" section on your Lead AND your Listing. 

1. Navigate to dashboard.arizto.co.nz and log in with your Arizto account. 

2. Navigate to the listing, the click on "Property details", complete all the fields. 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the listing where it says "related links" and click on the Lead. 

4. Navigate to the section "Property Details", complete all the fields. 

5. Start your offer over from scratch. 

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