Vendor Can't Access The Seller Dashboard

Trouble with your vendor accessing the seller dashboard

Martin Towers

Last Update 8 months ago

Please ensure you read this right through to the end so you get a full understanding. 

The first thing to understand is HOW the vendor get's access to the seller dashboard. 

This happens when a vendor is listed on the Agency Agreement. 

Inside your dashboard at go to "Agreements" and click on the address, then click "Edit" and you'll see a list of your vendors. 

If your vendor is listed here, then they SHOULD have an account on that email address. All you'd have to do in this scenario, is instruct them to go to the Arizto website and try to log in or reset their password. 

You can also add another vendor here too. Please see this article for more info on that:

Now, on an online listing (where the seller listed via the online platform), this should have already been done ANYWAY, as we are required to get all signatures from all vendors for every listing. So this should already be something you're checking when you list houses right? 

Because of this, this problem usually only happens with manual contracts, so just remember, with manual contracts, you MUST also add the vendors here in this section. 

NOTE: This needs to be done BEFORE you uploaded the manual contract. So what you actually need to do in this scenario, is delete the agency agreement from the lead (go to the lead, go to documents, then delete it, then come back to the agreement, add the vendors in. Save it, then go back to the lead, and reupload the manual agency agreement. 

Once you add them in here, they should receive an email with their log in details, then they can log in. If not, ask them to go to the website and reset their password. 

Any trouble, reach out to support. 

Also, don't forget to ask your vendors to download the mobile app. The same one you use in the app store will work for them as well. 

keywords: can't access seller dashboard, my vendor can't log in, my vendor doesn't know how to log in, vendor dashboard, seller dashboard

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