The Listing - How to Delete a Vendor or Duplicate Vendor

I have a duplicate vendor on the Listing

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

If you haven’t already, please read Delete a Duplicate Vendor

You CANNOT delete a vendor on the dashboard, you can EDIT a vendor on dashboard only, but not delete. You can only delete a vendor on the Arizto app. 

1. In your Arizto App, navigate to the listing

2. Click “Vendor & Solicitor Details”

3. Check the email addresses.

If the vendor you want to delete has the same email address as one of the other vendors, you will need to change the email address first to something very random. For example “” - the reason for this is it will avoid you getting a “Status 500” later. - See Status 500

We are going to save the vendor with a different email address then attempt to go back and delete them afterwards. Once we solve the Status 500 issue, you won't need to do this step, you can just delete the duplicate right away. 

3.1 Click “Edit”

3.2 Change the email address to something very random

3.3 Click Submit to save the vendors again with the changed email. 

4. Click “Edit”

5. Delete the duplicate vendor

6. Click “Submit”

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