Status 500

Why does it happen, what does it mean and how do you solve it?

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

The infamous status 500, the bane of my existence, the thorn in my side. Fortunately, it shouldn't be around too much longer. 

Why does it happen?

It could be one of three reasons why you’re seeing “Status 500”

1. A vendor was saved on the agency agreement or the listing with an empty email address, please do not do this.

2. A duplicate vendor was with the SAME email address was deleted from an agency agreement or listing. In order to delete a duplicate vendor, change the email address first to a random email address, THEN delete the vendor. See -

3. An agency agreement has been saved with NO VENDORS at all - like a manual agreement and then the vendors were deleted. Do not do this

How do you fix it?

Unfortunately you can’t, please submit a ticket above, or contact our live chat support.

We are working on solutions to fix this problem, we hope to have this resolved in Q4 2023

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