There Is An "&" At The End Of The Vendors Name On The S&P

How do I get rid of it

Martin Towers

Last Update a year ago

The reason this happens is because you have a vendor on your listing that is not supposed to be there, and you have deleted that vendor incorrectly. Rather than deleting that vendor, you have simply removed their name from the box.

For example

Vendor 1: John Smith

Vendor 2: John Smith (this is a duplicate)

Then you deleted vendor 3 incorrectly, simply by saving it as an empty box. 

For example

Vendor 1: John Smith

Vendor 2: _________

So now, the system thinks there is 32 vendors but the third is just an empty box. The way to fix this is to delete the vendor the correct way. You will have to do another counter offer and go back to negotiating, fix the issue, then accept the deal again. Follow this article:

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